Last Day of my First Week of Intellectual Insanity!

There is so much to discuss and forward to you that at times I am not sure which thought process to follow through with first! I am so tired this morning, but I took last night off from the books and enjoyed my silly, adorable children, and loving man. I am so thankful for all the individuals that surround me during my educational travel. You may be wondering why I speak of this on the last day of my first week when all I have really written about thus far has been school and the tremendous work load that has become. At times in my experiences advancing my education, I have really felt like giving up, like I couldn’t possibly take another step in the direction I wanted so desperately to go. I have had various college professors tell me time and time again, “you will make an excellent nurse”, Will I ever achieve this?

I share these thoughts with you because we as students (nursing or not) must remember without the ones who love and care for us our journey would be erratic, lonely, and maybe even pointless. For me I like to state that working in health care as a home health aide now and eventually a nurse, doctor or researcher is and will be my second career. I am a mother and a loving significant other first. The career of being these is the most special and honorable part of my life.

My significant other (someday hubby) is a wonderful individual who due to the financial struggles in today’s economy has chosen to put his schooling on the back burner for me. He works hard to provide for his family, and will continue to while I attend this year of schooling (intellectual insanity). He attends to the home and the children while I study. He listens when I need a break and reminds me to breathe. He tells me I can succeed! My children are already asking “you got lots of homework tonight?” and when I answer yes, they smile and let me be. They have also stepped up and assist dad with the house. My older two are even spending time occupying my youngest. My eldest, Aingel is comical to listen to as she tries to explain the importance of homework and school to her 3 year old sister.

To my fellow students, remember that this next year (or if you continue on in your education – years) will be filled with little time for yourself as well as others! Don’t give up on any part of your life – time management will be your key! Spending time with your family, friends, and fellow students IS just as important as your intellectual insanity process. Live your life to the fullest and make time for special moments with the bystanders of your educational experiences because as the bystanders of your experience they are helping to make your experience. These individuals will be the ones to “have your back” when all you feel like doing is running away.

I know someone could be reading this now and thinking they don’t have the wonderful man like mine. I understand, but we are all going through this together and we all will get through it together. We share a common bond in the educational realm. Reach out to others if ever you feel a need to! “Lean on me” is a great song! If you need a friend, a shoulder to cry on or just a closed mouth with an open ear, I am here!

Let not you forget about yourself, and you’re “me time”! It is significant to your health and survival as a student of nursing. Challenge your body with exercise, your soul with good healthy foods, your heart with love, and your mind with studies. Stand up and fight for what you want, and where you want to be. Take care of you and amazement will be achieved when you walk down the aisle next spring to receive your degree.

I leave you this week with the above mentioned expression as a reminder of all the aspects of your life that is/will be touched by your educational travels.

Keep smiling! 🙂

About tcirwin3

I sit here staring at the screen – wondering... What do you want to know about me and where do I start? Who would have thought this particular question would bring me cause to ponder? I am... A mother: 3 beautiful children; Aingel 12, Hughie 9, Ruby 3; a wife( well-fiancé); a student (for many years now, but finally this is my “make it or break it” year); an employee of 3 jobs: PTC student worker, Home Health Aide, and PCA/Support Counselor for three disabled children. I have... Travelled the road less travelled by those who step lightly in life (Robert Frost wrote a great poem about it). Seen and experienced the world through many different points of view. Always remained myself, "always just me" is a common phrase I use. I do... Work and work in every aspect of my life! Very busy and very organized :) I will... Succeed to the best of my abilities in all I chance to achieve!
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2 Responses to Last Day of my First Week of Intellectual Insanity!

  1. Jodell says:

    Kudos to you! Yesterday I experienced your shoulder to cry on! Thanks for your support! YOU are one of the reasons I enjoy attending this school!

    • tcirwin3 says:

      This is who I am and anytime you need to cry scream or feel like STFU I will be here! I can not cure what ails you but I can help to ease your pain! Keep your head up, stay determined and smile always while laughing often!

      Always, Just Tara

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