You are the Nurse!

Semester two of the second year for PTC PNers is well on its way! The instructors continuously say “you are the nurse now…!”

 I am the nurse… am I scared, am I ready, what do I do, or how about where do I go?  The enormous amount of thoughts racing through my mind are fascinating to say the least! I am so excited for this semester to roll by. I hope I conquer all that comes before me, so that I may by semester’s end know the answers, or at least have an idea, as to the answers of my racing thoughts!

The road ahead is so clearly paved with good intention and moments to fill my mind with an abundance of knowledge. I will get experience in various settings and roles; like a hospital, a clinic, and even the opportunity to be a team leader in the care of more than just one client/patient!  I cannot wait to share my experience with you!

I also realized today how fortunate I am to have access to a wonderful program like Healthcare Alliance! Some of the questions that circle around in my mind can be put to ease by meeting and corresponding with HCA. Please take a moment to utilize their knowledge, as it is truly beneficial! They now have their staff blog up and running, check it out!

This is also a time of year when one starts to think of their own health and wellbeing… I am for sure. If you have been following my blog, you understand how difficult this past fall was on me and the unhealthy turmoil my physical and psychological process my mind, body, and soul went through! I ask myself numerous times how I can educate someone on the healthy aspects of life when I do not practice even close to what I preach! Most commonly weight loss seems to be on everyone’s “new year” list (mine included) but, I share with you now a promise made to myself and to my children – a “new year” that I have not really planned on sticking with until now (as this idea has been on my “new year” many times).  

I have been a smoker since I was a very young adolescent! Some in health care would say I am well past my 20 pack year! My son turned 10 years old on January 2 and for his birthday he asked that I stop smoking. My children in the past have made comments as they have learned the “bad” about cigarette smoking in school, but for some reason my son’s request seemed different – maybe it is because deep down, I have not wanted to smoke for a long time now. It is a moment in time that I shall hold close to my heart forever! I cannot fully explain it, but I have started the process and vowed to be smoke free by the end of the month to myself and to my son!

Stopping the nicotine habit cold turkey will not work for me, but I have learned there are other options. I have decided to put into use a smoking cessation drug and to follow it up with a hypnosis session or two. I have decided to share this experience with you and any information I come across, I shall share. Pay attention and look for specific blogs in relation to this. I need sometime to get it all organized, but with my blog as my witness this “bad” habit of mine shall soon cease and we shall see what works for me!

I’ll chat later. Keep smiling!

About tcirwin3

I sit here staring at the screen – wondering... What do you want to know about me and where do I start? Who would have thought this particular question would bring me cause to ponder? I am... A mother: 3 beautiful children; Aingel 12, Hughie 9, Ruby 3; a wife( well-fiancé); a student (for many years now, but finally this is my “make it or break it” year); an employee of 3 jobs: PTC student worker, Home Health Aide, and PCA/Support Counselor for three disabled children. I have... Travelled the road less travelled by those who step lightly in life (Robert Frost wrote a great poem about it). Seen and experienced the world through many different points of view. Always remained myself, "always just me" is a common phrase I use. I do... Work and work in every aspect of my life! Very busy and very organized :) I will... Succeed to the best of my abilities in all I chance to achieve!
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