We all have a voice in our future…

In the realm of health care reform, nursing takes center stage. Since the beginning of time nursing has been on the fore front of patient/client care. We stand for the advocacy of the ones we care for in matters of individualized holistic efforts put forth towards management, coordination, promotion, and environmental standards in our quality of care given unto them. Nursing has an effortless potential towards impacting the future of integrative medicine/health care. The expansion of health care is dependent on nursing as the numbers in need of care will continue to grow and these rising numbers shall fall upon nurses. We have the ability to view our patients as unique individuals made up of biology, culture, genetics, and psychosocial factors. Nurses see the person and not just the disease! Yet there are studies out there correlating a shortage of nurses to be estimated around one million by the year 2020! What is to be done?

            In the reform presently in our country, education is the key to success of our health care system. The education opportunity has been put before nurses to advance in their studies. Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Nursing Educators, Public Health, Midwives are just a few career paths being mentioned as directions of education advancement. The government has stepped up to ensure funding be available for our nations nurses (i.e. H. R. 4872 “The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010”).

The next step has been handling to the best of lawmakers ability thus far to bring about affordability for one in need of care (patients/clients). Nurses were/are vital in the advocacy of the individuals within the care of our nation’s health care system. Bringing to lawmakers and others within their health care partnerships the need and concerns of what patients ask for and what they deserve; ultimately a reform to promote healthier lifestyles. This past year 2010 the President Obama signed into law the first of many Acts of US Congress to reform the system and assist HCP in nurturing the needs of their clients (i.e. H. R. 3590, “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”).

The most important factor in all of health care reform is the nurses’ ability to shed away fears and speak out for the injustice brought forth by this failing system. Leadership within the realm of nursing is vital. Referred to as “opinion leaders” in a recent study by GALLUP, nurses are professionals with a definite future role in the delivery health care. Nursing strives for a quality of health care in which, no other area puts forth the determination of these focused providers. Developing these leadership skills wraps back around to the key of educating the nurses in the system or to be entering.

Nurses understand health promotion and we are poised for the great responsibility of stepping up to the plate. Nurses can, shall, and will stand upon the foundations of a caring, humanitarian relationship, providing hope for the reform to be responsive and efficient in providing the opportunity for nurses as well as the quality of care we want to provide.  


“Congress passes, president signs 2010 health care reform bill.” (2010). Kansas Nurse,

85(3), 13-14.

 Hackman, D. (2010). CEO corner. “The nurse’s influence on health system reform.”

Georgia Nursing, 70(2), 3.

Mittelman, M (2010). “Our nation’s health depends on expanding the nursing profession.”

Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine, 16(1), 12-14.

The above information got me to thinking about where I want to go in my future and what can I do to make a difference? There are many options out there in nursing and right now at PTC and ARCC-CC we are fortunate to have the Health Care Alliance personal available to us. They have an abundance amount of information on careers in health care and ways to fund your advanced education! Take a moment or two to stop in their office! I challange anyone reading this to step up and map your future. If you have no idea where to start, understand there are options out there for your to succeed in whatever direction you might want to venture!

I’ll chat later. Keep smiling!

About tcirwin3

I sit here staring at the screen – wondering... What do you want to know about me and where do I start? Who would have thought this particular question would bring me cause to ponder? I am... A mother: 3 beautiful children; Aingel 12, Hughie 9, Ruby 3; a wife( well-fiancé); a student (for many years now, but finally this is my “make it or break it” year); an employee of 3 jobs: PTC student worker, Home Health Aide, and PCA/Support Counselor for three disabled children. I have... Travelled the road less travelled by those who step lightly in life (Robert Frost wrote a great poem about it). Seen and experienced the world through many different points of view. Always remained myself, "always just me" is a common phrase I use. I do... Work and work in every aspect of my life! Very busy and very organized :) I will... Succeed to the best of my abilities in all I chance to achieve!
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